How To Get Rid of Pimple Acne Marks Using Home Remedies
Hi Everyone,
Recently I have received a query from Shivangi on how to get rid of pimple acne marks. Last week only I shared my pimple & acne story and couple of tricks to keep pimples/acne at bay. After seeing Shivangi’s query I thought it is the apt time to follow my pimple story with this post.
So Today I will be sharing with you some simple home remedies that I have tried myself when I was going through that tomato-red (loathsome color of acne inflammation) painful phase. Let us not waste any time in blabbering and directly jump to the home remedies.

How To Get Rid of Pimple Acne Marks Using Home Remedies
My Skin Type: Oily/combination, acne prone.
Lemon Juice: I used to apply lemon locally just on the pimple and acne scars to shoo them away. Lemon is a natural bleaching agent so it helps in getting rid of these scars. Apply a drop of lemon on the scars, keep it on for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with tepid water. If it causes any stinging sensation you can mix it with honey or papaya, and use the concoction as a face pack.
Aloe Vera: Because of the anti-inflammatory property Aloe Vera is famous for treating acne inflammation. I have always used fresh Aloe Vera pulp to subdue pimple pain and redness. In case you do not have fresh Aloe Vera, you can go for Aloe Vera gels available in the market. Just make sure that it has few chemicals in the ingredient list. Apply the fresh pulp or Aloe Vera gel all over your face or locally (just on the scars) and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off with water. You can apply it every other day, or once daily for quick relief.
Olive Oil: Take few drops of olive oil, warm it and using your index finger (or cotton ball) dab it on the scars. Leave it on overnight, and follow your usual skin care routine in the morning. Make sure that you do not heat the oil too much since hot oil can cause severe damage than relief. Oil treatment works best in case you have dry skin. People with oily skin can give it a shot and continue the treatment in case it does not aggravate the problem.
Curd water: Take the excess water from curd and apply it all over your face. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing off with normal water. I have never seen curd water in packed curds, only if you curdle milk at home you can use this tip.
Tomatoes: This tip is the easiest of all. While you enjoy watching your favorite movie, take a tomato slice and keep rubbing it on face, focusing on scars, for good 20-25 minutes. Leave on the pulp for another 10-15 minutes before rinsing off.
Exfoliate: Exfoliations is an important part of skin care routine. It helps in getting rid of dead skin cells thereby making space you new ones to surface. Ideally, you should exfoliate your skin once or twice a week. For this purpose, you can use either readymade exfoliators (or scrubs) or homemade ones.
Bedtime skin care routine: No matter how tired you feel by end of day, never ever skip your bedtime skin care routine. Before going to bed, thoroughly wash your face and slather a good moisturizing night cream. While you sleep your skin cells repair and restore themselves, so try to aid the rejuvenation process by sticking to this routine.
Concealer: All the above mentioned home remedies demand patience. You would have to diligently follow these tips for at least 3-4 weeks before you see prominent relief from scar problem. I guess comparing to the usual time, which is 2-3 months, scars take to fade away these tips will work muck quicker. In case, you have to flaunt an impeccable skin before these tips show their effect then use a good concealer. Dab it on the pimple or acne scars, set it with compressed powder and in minutes you will have scar free skin.
I am sure most of us have suffered from pimple or acne problem at one or other point in our lives. I would love to know how you used to hide those nasty scars. Please mention your experienced tips and tricks in the comment section.
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You’ve shared some really helpful tips! Great article.
Thanks Lisha !
I so agree with the bed time skin care routine! It helps a lot..
Yes, it really rejuvenates the skin!
Now these are some tips that I needed! I am going to give Lemon juice nd some other things a try…Thanks for sharing these Babe :)
heheh.. you are welcome Richa !
Great tips dear.. I have used Lemon , Neem and Fullers earth for the same but yes if nothing works Concealer is there for you .. ;)
Concealer if a quick way to hide all these problems !
That concealer option has been a savior in my life..haha..i have very bad skin and i just cant go without it
hehehe… I too apply it sometimes !
These are some great tips! :ThankYou:
Thanks Esha !
Hii mam I am just 12 years old.I have so many dark spots on my forehead. I hate those bad spots, may I use your tips, will they help me? Plz reply