Hi Friends,
We crave for perfect figures to get fit into our favorite dresses, to look pretty and to become head turners. But all these things do not come on a platter; we have to do rigorous work out, curb our food cravings and put a check on our food intake. If we regularly keep a watch on our health and body weight then fulfilling these wishes would be less painful. Here are some of the tips that you can easily accommodate in your daily lifestyle to stay fit and healthy.
1) Start your day: Start your day with a warm glass of water. Drinking water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach purifies body’s internal system. It also cleanses colon, which increases body’s efficiency to absorb essential nutrients from food.
2) Proper Meal Division: You must be aware of a common adage ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper’. Believe me; dividing the meal portion in this manner has an everlasting impact on your body weight and lifestyle. In addition to it, you must consume protein in each meal; this gives a stomach-full feeling and avoids craving for interim snacks. Infact, a heavy breakfast high in protein provides energy for entire day.
3) Constant weight check: Have a weight scale at home and always keep track of your weight. This will help to maintain weight.
4) Cut on salt: Try to cut the salt intake. Salt has no calories but high consumption of salt results in temporary weight gain as it causes your body to retain water.
5) Less protein in dinner: Don’t have dinner that is high in proteins such as chicken, cheese, beans, pulses etc. Protein, taken in dinner will take longer time to digest and convert into fat.
6) Say yes to green food: Add green leafy vegetables, salad and yogurt to your meal. To treat your taste buds, try to have different types of salad and raita every day. This will increase your appetite, making the food more enjoyable thereby cutting high calorie food consumption.
7) Compensate for the luxury treat: All of us love cakes, pastries, ice-cream, if you eat these delicious mouth-watering dishes at a party or restaurant then compensate for this luxurious treat the very next day. Try to add more fruits and vegetables in your diet; it will help to get rid of the extra fat, you delight in the previous day.
8) Walk, walk and walk: In your corridor, Apartment Park, whenever, wherever you get a chance just walk. Try to have brisk walk as that is more effective and helps in maintaining weight. ‘Walking while talking.. what an idea Sir ji ‘ ;-)
9) Work Out: Try to work out 3 or 4 days in a week. If you lose at least 250 calories per day from your workouts such as walk, exercise or yoga you achieve your goal of staying fit and healthy.
10) Drink lots of water: Our body is composed of about 60% water. Drinking 2-3 litres of water everyday works with weight loss. If you choose water or a non-caloric beverage over a caloric beverage then that will do more filling, and help you trim calorie intake.
Including these simple tips in your daily routine does not only help you to maintain body weight but also help to lose weight gradually.
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How to get an hour glass figure
You must know these 5 things if you sit in front of computer for long hours!
:ThankYou: for providing weight loss tips
Archana, :kissi: for sharing these tips. I will try to bring these little changes in my lifestyle :ThankYou:
pleasure is all mine!! :)
really nice tips:)
Great post! :good:
Thanks Shivi :whistle:
I like all ur tips swteeeee