Liebster Award Nomination
Hi Everyone,
Firstly, I would like to thank Laks from The Knot Story for nominating my blog ‘Be A Bride Everyday’ for Liebster award. I take it as an opportunity to apprise my readers with my lesser known side. Answering Laks questions was sheer fun. Though some of them did not take much time, some really needed pondering. Good or bad, here I am with the answers and my nominee list.
1. How and when did you start blogging?
Ans: I got totally fascinated during my wedding prep – be it clothes, makeup, jewelry, finding the perfect salon, going for pre-bridals, everything related to beauty and makeup took a toll on me, so much so that I decided to dig dip in this vast sea, and that eventually led me to start my own blog in June 2013.
2. What do you love to do, besides blogging?
Ans: I love meeting people especially spending time with my girls.
3. What do you value the most in life?
Ans: Self-contentment, though success is measured by final outcome, in my opinion it’s the hard work that matters the most. You win 75% of the battle if you are satisfied with the efforts you have put-in to accomplish an objective – rest all depends on destiny.
4. Which is the most expensive thing that you have bought for yourself?
Ans: I guess my Laptop ;-)
5. If you were a character from a movie who would you be and from which movie?
Ans: Hmmm, that’s a tricky one. There is no character as such but I would like to have the power to read everybody’s mind. You know that will help me turning things in my favor. ;-)
6. Your favorite cuisine?
Ans: I am not much of a foodie but I like paneer in all forms.
7. A pair of denims or a floral dress?
Ans: Floral dress, though it depends on the occasion and place.
8. What is your favorite quote?
Ans: Stay Happy, Stay Pretty – this is actually the motto of my blog.
9. If you could change one thing about yourself..what would it be?
Ans: I want to be taller – at least 5’5” tall :yes:
10. The dream destination in your wish list?
Ans: OMG, there are so many. I want to visit Paris, Switzerland, Sydney, Goa (have not been there yet :cry:), Las Vegas, and the list goes on.
11. What makes you smile?
Ans: Simple things: boss on leave :yahoo:, long weekend, surprises from Mr. Hubby, letters or comments from my readers.
My Liebster Award Nomination list
Anshul from Anshul’s closet
Natasha from My little world of makeup
Nausheen from Adorable She
Purva Vats from Planet Beauties
Rashmi from DNDB
Here you go girls, answer theese questions and who knows you could win the ‘Liebster Award’ :dancydancy:
My Questions for you:
1) Are you a full time blogger or indulged in other occupation as well?
2) What is your daily makeup routine?
3) What is your favorite makeup product?
4) What is your favorite day of the week, and why?
5) What camera do you use to click product photographs?
6) How do you like to spend your leisure time? Is it shopping, reading, and watching movie or something else?
7) What becomes your source of motivation when things do not go as planned?
8) What would be an ideal date for you? ;-)
9) And, how would you dress yourself up for your first ever date? In case you have already had this date then please share what you wore, your makeup, hairdo.
10) Everybody keeps chanting “Change is always good”, do you believe in this or have any modified version of yours?
11) What is the first thing that you do when you wake up in the morning?
For those who do not know much about Liebster Award here are some FAQs:
1) What is Liebster award?
Ans: This is an online award which is given from to bloggers by other bloggers.
2) What are the rules of Liebster award ?
Ans: a) Answer the question your nominator has asked.
b) Create your own nominee list
c) Prepare a set of questionnaire for your nominees.
d) Leave a comment on nominee’s blog, and inform him/her about the nomination.
3) What is expected from Liebster award nominees?
Ans: As said above, the nominees are expected to answer the questions raised by nominator. Create their own nomination list (newbie blogger), and ask their own set of 10-11 questions. The chain goes on.

Liebster Award Nomination Be A Bride Everyday
In case I am missing somethings about the rules you are most welcome to add them.
I have not been to goa as well :( take me along when you plan the trip :P
thanku so much for the nomination :D :yahoo:
Sure Purva, I will fit you in my luggage :P :P
Congratulations Shilaja! :) Great answers and I too want to be taller than i am. hehe. :D
Babe!! Thank you so much for nominating it!! I shall definitely attempt this tag! :) And omg, you and me are totally similar!! Just like you, even I love to travel! There are so so many places that I wish I could travel to. One day, if i have enough guts, I am gonna quit my job, and TRAVEL!! Haha! <3
Aww, let me know when you quite your job. I might get some inspiration from you :)
where are uuuuuuuuuuu B-)
heheheh.. it 9:00 pm and I am still in office !
Pingback: Adorable She
I passed by to tell you that I am still working on this post, babe!! <3 Thank you so much for nominating me! Truly appreciated, and glad to know so much more about you! :)
Thanks Anshul, I will look forward to your answers !
Thanks for the mention & nomination… Congrats on ur award :)
I was nominated Nats, have not got any award yet :P
Lovely answers Shailaja :D
Thanks Mily !
Congratulations on the award!!! Even I wanna travel to so many places…Paris & Switzerland is top on my list :)
hehehe… we may get lucky some day !
Congos sweetiee.. <3
I havent been to goa yet.. so hi5 for that and yes surprises and boss on leave are some of the best reasons to fill my day with love and smiles.. :D
heheh.. techies we are !